2 Magmatic Insight 2 Obsessive Search 3 Anticipate 4 Dragon Fodder 4 Searing Spear 3 Fiery Temper 4 Hordeling Outburst 4 Jeskai Ascendancy 2 Jeskai Charm 1 Midnight Haunting 4 Stoke the Flames 1 Set Adrift 4 Treasure Cruise 2 Evolving Wilds 4 Highland Lake 3 Island 1 Izzet Guildgate 4 Mountain 4 Mystic Monastery 1 Plains 1 Tranquil Cove 2 Wind-Scarred Crag 2 Sunlance 1 Thran Foundry 1 Flashfreeze 3 Seal of Cleansing 2 Unwind 1 Gideon's Intervention 2 Sowing Salt 2 Chandra Nalaar 1 Set Adrift