Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Don't show me this again

Penny Dreadful Thursdays is in 2 days, 8 hours.

Fecha Torneos Liga

Penny Dreadful Thursdays


League May 2024


Penny Dreadful FNM


Penny Dreadful Saturdays


APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays


Penny Dreadful Sundays


Penny Dreadful Mondays


There are six weekly Penny Dreadful tournaments hosted on They are all free to enter and some offer prizes from Cardhoarder. Be sure to also check out the league for a play-when-you-like competition.

Each tournament series has a leaderboard.

The second Penny Dreadful Saturdays of each season is replaced by The Season Kick Off with prizes to 32nd place.

The last Penny Dreadful Saturdays of each season is replaced by The Penny Dreadful 500 high-stakes tournament.

Unirse a un torneo

Number of Rounds

Players Swiss Knockout
2 0 1 (single match)
3-7 3 0 (swiss only)
8 3 2 (top 4)
9-15 4 2
16-31 4 3 (top 8)
32+ 5 3


Finish Prize
1st 4 tix
2nd 3 tix
3rd–4th 2 tix
5th–8th 1 tix

Prizes from our sponsor Cardhoarder in credit. Prizes will be credited within a few days of the Friday following the tournament. After that the credit will appear when you trade with one of their bots on Magic Online and on their website.

Errores de Magic Online

Permitimos que se jueguen cartas con errores conocidos en Penny Dreadful con condiciones especiales.

Las normas importantes son:

  • Do not play cards with game-breaking bugs (exception: cards that are not bugged in two player games).
  • Sacar ventaja de un bug sin intención resultará en un juego perdido. El jugador con la carta bugeada debe conceder e iniciar el siguiente (si es que quedan).
  • Utizar un error para ganar ventaja intencionadamente implicará una descalificación.
  • Only the player playing a bugged card can ever receive a penalty relating to that card.
  • Your opponents have no obligation to accomodate your bugged cards and cannot be penalized for not doing so.
  • La decisión del Organizador del Torneo es final.

Note for examples: Living Lore used to have a bug whereby it would count double the (combined) CMC of a split card when imprinted.

Ejemplo de Partida Perdida Jugar Sabiduría viva (Living Lore) con dos cartas en el cementerio

Segundo ejemplo de perdida de juego: Jugar dictado profano (profne command) usando el modo que selecciona a un oponente. El oponente juega luz de oropel (gilded light) como respuesta

Ejemplo de descalificacion: Jugar saviduria viva (living lore) e intencionadamente elejir una carta split de un cementerio para conseguir que sea mas grande de lo que deberia.

In the case where an undocumented bugged interaction only becomes known during a competitive match, at the Tournament Organizer's discretion, a game loss or match loss may be imposed rather than a disqualification.

La perdida de la partida, sera ejecutada por el controlador de la carta bugeada. Este debera conceder la partida

Cualquier confusión debe ser discutida con el organizador del torneo antes de conceder el juego o terminar la partida, en el reloj del jugador bugeado.

Cuando un nuevo error es encontrado por primera vez (no aparece en durante una partida competitiva, ambos jugadores podrán ponerse de acuerdo para seguir jugando.

If either player does not agree the owner of the bugged cards must swap out the bugged cards (only) from their decklist, restart the match, players concede games in the correct order until the record matches the record before the bugged game. Sideboarding then takes place if it was not game 1 and the rest of the match plays out.

En todos estos temas el organizador de torneo tiene la flexibilidad de juzgar según su criterio y su decision es final.

Lista de todos los bugs de carta conocidos.

Otras Reglas

If a player starts a sideboarded game with less than 60 cards (quite possible due to a known Magic Online bug) and either player notices before the end of turn 2 and the player with a legal deck wants to restart the game, the game will be restarted. The result of any game played beyond turn 2 with less than 60 cards in maindeck will stand.

Las partidas serán de 25 minutos por jugador.

Matches must Allow Watchers so the PDBot can join them.

Un jugador no puede jugar en más de una cuenta en un torneo de Penny Dreadful.

Por favor no juegue torneos de Penny Dreadful y otros torneos en simultáneo ni tampoco juegue dos partidas en simultáneo.

Spectating other matches is allowed – do not write anything in chat except !record.

Solo los jugadores que completen el torneo podrán recibir premios.

debido a un bug quitar todas las paradas no esta permitido.

Solo puedes entrar una vez a cada torneo (Ya sea en una o múltiples cuentas).

Los Torneos de Penny Dreadful siguen las reglas oficiales de Magic Online y no permiten empates, a diferencia de otros eventos administrados por la comunidad.

Dropping from the tournament in the elimination rounds will result in the forfeit of your next match.

If a player realizes they have the wrong deck before the match begins they should take a screenshot of their opening hand as proof. Fix the deck and recreate the match. The player who had the wrong deck must give the choice of play or draw to their opponent.

If a player (or PDBot) realizes they have the wrong deck mid-game they receive a game loss for that game. The match should be recreated with the right deck and games conceded to get the match into the right state.