Penny Dreadful Magic


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Archetype Tree

Archetype # Decks Record Win % 5–0s
Aggro 12060 24566–23516–65 51.1 748 5837
White Weenie 1087 2273–2164–2 51.2 75 565
Mono White Humans 97 208–193 51.9 9 50



Meta Share By Season


Archetype Record Win %
Aggro 56–59 48.7
Heroic 8–14 36.4
Mono White Heroic 2–4 33.3
Azorius Heroic 2–3 40.0
Boros Heroic 1–1 50.0
Selesnya Heroic 3–6 33.3
Red Deck Wins 3–8 27.3
Mono Green Stompy 6–3 66.7
White Weenie 20–23 46.5
Soldiers 3–6 33.3
Mono White Humans 17–17 50.0
Selesnya Little Kid 1–0 100.0
Gruul Aggro 1–2 33.3
Merfolk 1–0 100.0
Artifact Aggro 3–0 100.0
Affinity 2–0 100.0
Hardened Scales Affinity 1–0 100.0
Mono Blue Architect 1–0 100.0
AggroSlide 3–3 50.0
Humans 5–3 62.5
Boros Humans 2–0 100.0
Orzhov Humans 2–2 50.0
Legends Aggro 3–1 75.0
Boros Legends Aggro 3–1 75.0
Permanent Vacation 1–2 33.3
Pirates 1–0 100.0
Combo 44–39 53.0
Storm 2–3 40.0
High Tide 2–3 40.0
Reanimator 7–7 50.0
Living Death 4–4 50.0
Excruciator Combo 4–4 50.0
Traditional Reanimator 3–3 50.0
Orzhov Reanimator 3–3 50.0
Necrotic Ooze Combo 2–2 50.0
Warp World 4–4 50.0
Boros Glimpse 4–4 50.0
Hypergenesis 2–2 50.0
Jeskai Ascendancy 2–0 100.0
Four Color Jeskai Ascendancy 2–0 100.0
Seismic Swans 1–0 100.0
Blazing Shoal Combo 2–1 66.7
Breakfast 3–2 60.0
Oops All Spells 0–1 0.0
Unctus 3–1 75.0
Dredge 1–0 100.0
Insidious Roots Dredge 1–0 100.0
Storm Herald 1–1 50.0
Restore Balance 2–3 40.0
Phoenix Altar 1–1 50.0
Actual Twin 10–7 58.8
Izzet Twin 9–4 69.2
Boros Twin 1–3 25.0
Nadu Combo 3–6 33.3
Amalia Combo 1–0 100.0
Control 37–34 52.1
Esper Control 1–1 50.0
Dimir Control 2–2 50.0
Azorius Control 7–6 53.8
Cawblade 0–1 0.0
Turbo Fog 0–1 0.0
Izzet Control 2–2 50.0
Cloudpost Control 3–4 42.9
Azorius Cloudpost Control 3–3 50.0
Mono Blue Cloudpost Control 0–1 0.0
Grixis Control 7–0 100.0
Cruel Control 2–0 100.0
Stax 4–0 100.0
Dragon Control 1–0 100.0
Mono White Control 2–1 66.7
Seasons Past Control 4–0 100.0
Orzhov Control 3–13 18.8
Prison 1–4 20.0
Enchantress 1–3 25.0
Aggro-Combo 5–9 35.7
Aristocrats 4–9 30.8
Mono Black Aristocrats 1–0 100.0
Golgari Aristocrats 1–2 33.3
Rakdos Aristocrats 2–7 22.2
Burn 1–0 100.0
Aggro-Control 17–7 70.8
Ninjas 0–1 0.0
Mono Blue Tempo 2–3 40.0
Mono Blue Librarians 1–2 33.3
Dimir Tempo 10–1 90.9
Azorius Tempo 5–2 71.4
Combo-Control 5–3 62.5
Battle of Wits 1–0 100.0
Mass Land Destruction 1–0 100.0
Wildfire 1–0 100.0
Borderpost Wildfire 1–0 100.0
Greasefang 3–3 50.0
Orzhov Greasefang 2–3 40.0
Midrange 36–41 46.8
The Rock 3–2 60.0
Jund 1–3 25.0
Blink 6–15 28.6
Orzhov Blink 6–15 28.6
Enchantments Matter 0–1 0.0
Allies 1–0 100.0
Mardu Midrange 1–0 100.0
Legends Midrange 0–1 0.0
Boros Legends Midrange 0–1 0.0
Rakdos Midrange 3–2 60.0
Mono Black Midrange 3–1 75.0
Angels 1–1 50.0
Orzhov Angels 1–1 50.0
Sultai Midrange 0–1 0.0
Fight Rigging 0–1 0.0
Orzhov Midrange 2–2 50.0
Heartless Summoning Stompy 1–0 100.0
Fires of Invention 0–2 0.0
Artifact Midrange 4–5 44.4
Boros Engineers 1–5 16.7
Laelia Cascade 1–0 100.0
Wight Midrange 9–4 69.2
Jund Wight 3–1 75.0
Ramp 8–0 100.0
Cloudpost Ramp 4–0 100.0
Greenpost 3–0 100.0
Gruul Post 1–0 100.0
Carth Superfriends 1–0 100.0
Applejacks 1–0 100.0
Field Ramp 1–0 100.0
Unclassified 0–1 0.0