A Magic Online format featuring cards like Fact or Fiction • Cloudpost • Birds of Paradise and over 14,000 more.
The cheapest format ever played. Play for a fraction of the cost of other formats.
A brewer's paradise. A card pool sometimes as big as Modern with gems (and jank) waiting to be discovered.
A diverse format with countless different archetypes. Winners of last season's tournaments include: Necrotic Ooze Combo, Anvil Colossus, Excruciator Combo, Rakdos Midrange, Izzet Twin, Carth Superfriends, Azorius Tempo, Boros Legends Aggro, Burn, Unctus, Mono Green Stompy, Orzhov Reanimator, Mono White Humans, Soldiers, Nadu Combo, Orzhov Blink, Cruel Control, Oops All Lands, Legends Aggro and Jund Wight
Tons of organized play. Six weekly tournaments and an ongoing league competition.
A friendly online community with its own lively Discord and subreddit. Join us!