Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.
您可以通过查阅Magic Online向导了解详情。
我应该如何创建一场游戏并找到其他Penny Dreadful玩家?
To get a match in Magic Online go to Constructed, Specialty, Freeform Tournament Practice on Magic Online and create a Freeform game with "Penny Dreadful" in the comments.
加入Discord群组以加入Penny Dreadful玩家社区。
To find a game sign up and then create a game in Constructed, Specialty, Freeform Tournament Practice with "Penny Dreadful League" as the comment.
Top 8 finishers on each month's league leaderboard win credit with Cardhoarder.
We have six free-to-enter weekly tournaments with prizes from Cardhoarder.
比赛在Gatherling举办,这里还有很多其他供玩家参加的Magic Online比赛。
Legality is determined a week after the release of a Standard-legal set on Magic Online.
Prices are checked every hour for a week. Anything 2¢ or less for half or more of all checks is legal for the season.
Any version of a card on the legal cards list is legal.
The next rotation is in 1 week, 1 day.
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Feb 13
Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.12 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.12 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.12 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.12 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.12 _onecurlyboy 1 akamatsu 2 bakert99 2 coupoutous 4 crandar 3 downtovaluetown 3 egze249 3 frzpop 4 garcia_edu 4 goldfishman2136 6 hotcooljoe 2 itskylestyle 1 jhow1991 3 joefredzob 3 mdog 4 niched 2 pennypincher 1 poposin_hyde 5 predrag133 1 rakura 5 rgriff 1 tenderloin 1 thatonegamer4202 1 theshadowmaker 1 thewatchwander 1 thyshuffler 5 tomsoniq 1 waroomtguc 1 yay784 3
5 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Feb 6
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.11 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.11 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.11 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.11 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.11 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.11 13eakers 4 _onecurlyboy 4 bakert99 8 crandar 2 djgnightwing 1 frzpop 2 garcia_edu 4 goldfishman2136 1 gringop 4 grte 2 hotcooljoe 3 itskylestyle 1 jhow1991 5 joefredzob 2 king_barney 1 miguelmtg 1 miss_input 2 mtgfan1996 3 niched 2 pirula42 1 poposin_hyde 5 rakura 2 scobel 2 thatonegamer4202 8 thewatchwander 3 thyshuffler 6 tommycakes 1 tomsoniq 2 violetteavi 4 waroomtguc 1 yay784 1
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Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Jan 30
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.10 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.10 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.10 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.10 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.10 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.10 ailith 3 crandar 3 deatheater900 4 doomguy77 6 egze249 1 garcia_edu 8 goldfishman2136 2 hotcooljoe 1 jhow1991 5 king_barney 1 magnus24112 2 maximusttdk 4 mdog 3 miss_input 3 niched 4 pirula42 1 poposin_hyde 5 rakura 1 robbie2540 5 tenderloin 3 thatonegamer4202 2 thyshuffler 4 tomsoniq 6 tygrak 3
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Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Jan 23
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.09 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.09 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.09 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.09 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.09 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.09 13eakers 1 ariana20 4 c001357 3 crandar 2 doomguy77 1 egze249 2 frzpop 4 garcia_edu 1 gearhulkazul 1 gringop 4 hotcooljoe 1 itskylestyle 1 j_meka 1 jakedacake36 1 jhow1991 6 maximusttdk 7 mdog 7 miss_input 4 niched 1 pirula42 2 poposin_hyde 1 rakura 5 robbie2540 2 tenderloin 3 thewatchwander 9 thyshuffler 7 vagstor 1 waroomtguc 4
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Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Jan 16
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.08 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.08 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.08 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.08 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.08 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.08 13eakers 4 aether_vile 3 ailith 1 bakert99 2 doomguy77 1 egze249 1 garcia_edu 3 gearhulkazul 2 hotcooljoe 1 itskylestyle 1 j_meka 3 jhow1991 1 jonsnow214 1 klaus_vangliff 1 maliciousdragon 2 maximusttdk 3 mdog 5 miniondevelopment 5 miss_input 4 niched 1 pirula42 3 poposin_hyde 6 rakura 3 restokiki 5 tenderloin 2 thewatchwander 4 thyshuffler 1 tygrak 2 vagstor 5 violetteavi 7 waroomtguc 4 yay784 2
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Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Jan 9
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.07 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.07 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.07 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.07 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.07 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.07 aether_vile 12 ailith 4 asprey 1 coupoutous 7 edwindrood 1 finaldefiance 2 frzpop 1 garcia_edu 1 itskylestyle 1 jonsnow214 2 klaus_vangliff 2 lian16 4 maximusttdk 8 mdog 2 miniondevelopment 2 miss_input 6 poposin_hyde 8 rakura 5 restokiki 3 robbie2540 3 tenderloin 1 thewatchwander 4 thresh_sesh 2 thyshuffler 4 vagstor 1
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Jan 2
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.06 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.06 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.06 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.06 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.06 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.06 09876 1 ailith 4 ariana20 1 bakert99 3 c001357 1 coupoutous 2 fatallypushed 1 frzpop 4 garcia_edu 4 gringop 1 hotcooljoe 3 j_meka 3 jhow1991 2 kryome 1 mdog 8 miss_input 4 phyrexiann 2 pirula42 2 poposin_hyde 4 predrag133 2 rakura 3 restokiki 1 robbie2540 4 tenderloin 2 thewatchwander 4 thresh_sesh 5 thyshuffler 4 tygrak 3 vagstor 2 violetteavi 4 xoni017 3 yay784 1
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Dec 26
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.05 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.05 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.05 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.05 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.05 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.05 2klichess 1 aether_vile 5 datrobino 1 dl23 1 finaldefiance 2 frzpop 3 garcia_edu 4 hotcooljoe 1 itskylestyle 3 j_meka 2 jonsnow214 1 maliciousdragon 1 mdog 2 miss_input 1 niched 4 pirula42 1 poposin_hyde 6 predrag133 1 rakura 2 restokiki 10 robbie2540 2 sikuku 1 tenderloin 3 thewatchwander 6 thresh_sesh 7 thyshuffler 16 xoni017 2
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Dec 19
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.04 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.04 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.04 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.04 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.04 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.04 2klichess 2 allanoncew 1 ariana20 1 chandogg 1 coupoutous 4 egze249 4 frzpop 1 garcia_edu 3 hotcooljoe 3 itskylestyle 1 jakedacake36 3 jaycearveduin 2 jonsnow214 5 mdog 3 miss_input 1 poposin_hyde 6 predrag133 2 rakura 3 restokiki 14 tenderloin 4 thatonegamer4202 4 thewatchwander 9 thresh_sesh 1 thyshuffler 4 tygrak 1 violetteavi 4 waroomtguc 2 zephryy 1
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Dec 12
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.03 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.03 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.03 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.03 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.03 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.03 2klichess 1 ailith 4 allanoncew 4 ariana20 4 c001357 1 chandogg 1 coupoutous 8 frzpop 3 garcia_edu 6 goldfishman2136 1 hotcooljoe 2 itskylestyle 1 jaycearveduin 4 jhow1991 2 mdog 1 miss_input 2 mtgfan1996 4 oxythemoron 1 plorp 4 poposin_hyde 5 predrag133 4 rakura 6 robbie2540 2 simpin4saffron 2 syr_mordred 1 tenderloin 2 theshadowmaker 2 thewatchwander 4 thyshuffler 2 tygrak 4 waroomtguc 1
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Dec 5
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.02 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.02 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.02 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.02 Penny Dreadful Season 36 Kick Off Penny Dreadful FNM 36.02 -diamonddust- 4 2for1for2 16 2klichess 6 allanoncew 1 birdsandbees 3 chandogg 2 coupoutous 2 dl23 3 drunkensailor15 2 egze249 7 eternalparadox38 2 finaldefiance 3 forgetti 3 frzpop 1 garcia_edu 2 goldfishman2136 2 grte 1 hairyfroglegs 10 hotcooljoe 12 itskylestyle 3 j_meka 1 jaycearveduin 2 jhow1991 1 klaus_vangliff 1 magnus24112 2 maliciousdragon 3 mdog 5 miss_input 3 mtgfan1996 7 piruvato 3 plorp 3 poposin_hyde 3 predrag133 10 rakura 1 rgriff 2 robbie2540 7 sacritor 20 syrmordred 4 tenderloin 1 tgalbs 2 thatonegamer4202 7 theshadowmaker 8 thewatchwander 7 thyshuffler 6 tomsoniq 2 tygrak 5 violetteavi 3
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Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Nov 28
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 36.01 Penny Dreadful Mondays 36.01 Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.01 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.01 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 36.01 Penny Dreadful FNM 36.01 2for1for2 2 2klichess 2 allanoncew 1 c001357 1 caffeinatedpolygons 1 coupoutous 6 egze249 1 finaldefiance 4 forgetti 1 garcia_edu 2 glendaloc 4 hepatia 3 hotcooljoe 1 itskylestyle 2 jhow1991 3 magnus24112 2 miss_input 6 onefatcow 1 poposin_hyde 4 raverrat 4 robbie2540 2 tgalbs 1 theshadowmaker 9 thewatchwander 9 thyshuffler 7 tygrak 3 violetteavi 4 wad3owenwatts 2 yay784 1
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Nov 21
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 35.07 Penny Dreadful Mondays 35.07 Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.07 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.07 The Penny Dreadful 500 (Season 35) Penny Dreadful FNM 35.07 2klichess 10 ailith 1 allanoncew 90 c001357 2 chickeninthebrain 60 coupoutous 3 datrobino 10 daym0nz 30 deadstar 1 dl23 1 enakas 30 entrpy2352 5 fiendishdoctorwu 10 gringop 2 hairyfroglegs 3 hepatia 14 hombremtg 1 hotcooljoe 3 jhow1991 4 maliciousdragon 2 mdog 3 miss_input 1 mtgfan1996 30 notafriendlyskeleton 2 poposin_hyde 3 rakura 1 robbie2540 2 sacritor 10 tenderloin 1 thatonegamer4202 8 theshadowmaker 10 thewatchwander 33 thyshuffler 14 tygrak 62 vagstor 140 waroomtguc 10 yay784 2
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Nov 14
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 35.06 Penny Dreadful Mondays 35.06 Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.06 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.06 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 35.06 Penny Dreadful FNM 35.06 2klichess 2 ailith 1 bakert99 2 cat_weasle 3 coupoutous 2 daym0nz 2 diggitydarren 2 dinohobby 5 forgetti 5 garcia_edu 1 glendaloc 4 goldfishman2136 1 hepatia 5 hotcooljoe 1 jhow1991 3 maliciousdragon 3 mdog 1 miss_input 1 onefatcow 4 poposin_hyde 2 rakura 4 takeoutree 1 thatonegamer4202 6 theshadowmaker 8 thyshuffler 8 tomsoniq 3 tygrak 3 violetteavi 1 waroomtguc 2 wizzerinus 1
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Nov 7
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 35.05 Penny Dreadful Mondays 35.05 Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.05 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.05 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 35.05 Penny Dreadful FNM 35.05 2klichess 2 ailith 3 allanoncew 2 c001357 4 diggitydarren 1 dinohobby 1 dl23 3 entrpy2352 3 forgetti 7 garcia_edu 3 hepatia 12 hotcooljoe 4 j_meka 1 maxu_como_e_q_pode 1 mtgfan1996 4 notafriendlyskeleton 1 onefatcow 3 pirula42 1 piruvato 4 poposin_hyde 1 rakura 4 supergirl-type00 2 tappedkitty2 3 theb0nerstore 1 theshadowmaker 2 thyshuffler 1 tomsoniq 3 toodlesdc 1 tygrak 4 waroomtguc 2 winterlilyy 1 yay784 2
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Oct 31
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 35.04 Penny Dreadful Mondays 35.04 Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.04 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.04 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 35.04 Penny Dreadful FNM 35.04 13eakers 3 2klichess 7 allanoncew 6 brainlesss96 1 c001357 3 datrobino 1 dl23 2 entrpy2352 1 forgetti 4 garcia_edu 2 glendaloc 3 hepatia 12 jaycearveduin 2 magnus24112 2 maliciousdragon 1 mtgfan1996 3 poposin_hyde 2 predrag133 2 psymar 1 rakura 1 thatonegamer4202 3 theb0nerstore 1 theshadowmaker 5 thewatchwander 1 thyshuffler 7 tygrak 4 violetteavi 3 waroomtguc 1 wizzerinus 1 yay784 4
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Oct 24
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 35.03 Penny Dreadful Mondays 35.03 Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.03 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.03 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 35.03 Penny Dreadful FNM 35.03 2klichess 1 allanoncew 4 bakert99 2 bitteristofblossoms 1 brainlesss96 1 c001357 2 ebonrat 4 entrpy2352 5 forgetti 1 garcia_edu 3 glendaloc 1 hepatia 5 hotcooljoe 1 jaycearveduin 1 kenjijoe 5 landonpeanut 4 maliciousdragon 4 mdog 8 miss_input 1 mtgfan1996 1 oxythemoron 1 piruvato 2 poposin_hyde 4 predrag133 1 rakura 1 ray_penber 2 supergirl-type00 1 tgalbs 2 theb0nerstore 5 theshadowmaker 4 thewatchwander 4 thyshuffler 2 toodlesdc 3 violetteavi 1 waroomtguc 1 windup_emma 1
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Oct 17
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 35.02 Penny Dreadful Mondays 35.02 Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.02 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.02 Penny Dreadful Season 35 Kick Off Penny Dreadful FNM 35.02 13eakers 4 2for1for2 1 2klichess 4 8bitavenger 2 allanoncew 3 bakert99 2 bitteristofblossoms 3 brainlesss96 6 c001357 3 cdnewlon 3 chyto 11 ebonrat 3 eternalparadox38 7 forgetti 2 garcia_edu 3 gearhulkazul 3 glendaloc 1 goldfishman2136 2 hepatia 5 hotcooljoe 2 j_meka 2 jaycearveduin 7 kingcreeper 1 mdog 12 minityhyi 1 miss_input 3 mtgfan1996 1 notafriendlyskeleton 1 onefatcow 5 pokemonych 2 rakura 1 ray_penber 1 scobel 1 swiftwarkite2 10 tenderloin 1 theb0nerstore 3 theshadowmaker 8 thewatchwander 3 thyshuffler 9 tomsoniq 3 toodlesdc 7 tygrak 19 violetteavi 20 waroomtguc 1 windup_emma 1 wizzerinus 3 yay784 9 yellowvanblake 1
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Oct 10
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 35.01 Penny Dreadful Mondays 35.01 Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.01 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.01 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 35.01 Penny Dreadful FNM 35.01 2klichess 2 8bitavenger 1 ailith 3 allanoncew 5 bakert99 2 birdsandbees 3 bitteristofblossoms 4 c001357 4 carrodapolicia 3 chyto 1 dl23 1 ebonrat 4 eternalparadox38 3 forgetti 1 garcia_edu 2 glendaloc 1 hepatia 2 hotcooljoe 2 jaycearveduin 6 jonsnow214 1 maliciousdragon 2 mdog 1 onefatcow 1 oustrin 1 pokemonych 2 poposin_hyde 2 ray_penber 1 sacritor 8 theshadowmaker 2 thewatchwander 2 thyshuffler 4 tomsoniq 3 violetteavi 4 waroomtguc 1 yellowvanblake 5
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Oct 3
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 34.08 Penny Dreadful Mondays 34.08 Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.08 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.08 The Penny Dreadful 500 (Season 34) Penny Dreadful FNM 34.08 2klichess 6 ailith 2 akashin0 4 allanoncew 10 ameg 1 b_awkward 1 bakert99 30 bapis 60 birdsandbees 2 bitteristofblossoms 6 bl00dbaron 10 c001357 1 carrodapolicia 2 dadknight 10 ebonrat 10 eternalparadox38 60 garcia_edu 3 gearhulkazul 30 gringop 1 hepatia 6 hotcooljoe 1 j_meka 10 jaycearveduin 2 laldarion 3 litkakashi 90 maliciousdragon 1 mdog 10 nydethess 10 pokemonych 3 rakura 5 sacritor 12 swiftwarkite2 4 theshadowmaker 4 thewatchwander 134 thyshuffler 7 tygrak 1 violetteavi 30 waroomtguc 30
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Sep 26
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 34.07 Penny Dreadful Mondays 34.07 Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.07 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.07 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 34.07 Penny Dreadful FNM 34.07 2klichess 5 akashin0 3 allanoncew 3 ameg 1 b_awkward 1 birdsandbees 2 bitteristofblossoms 7 cat_weasle 8 emerald000 2 eternalparadox38 4 fiendishdoctorwu 2 garcia_edu 4 glendaloc 1 gunksford 1 hepatia 6 jaycearveduin 1 jenkin5630 1 mdog 4 phyrexiann 1 pirula42 2 rakura 2 ray_penber 3 theshadowmaker 3 thewatchwander 5 thyshuffler 6 tomsoniq 3 violetteavi 2 xigotdeadx 1 zephion 4
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Sep 19
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 34.06 Penny Dreadful Mondays 34.06 Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.06 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.06 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 34.06 Penny Dreadful FNM 34.06 ailith 4 akashin0 3 ameg 1 bakert99 5 birdsandbees 5 bitteristofblossoms 1 bl00dbaron 4 blacklamb 1 dl23 1 drdecorous 2 eternalparadox38 1 forgetti 1 garcia_edu 4 goldfishman2136 2 hepatia 3 j_meka 2 jaycearveduin 10 jhow1991 1 mdog 1 mtgfan1996 2 pirula42 4 rakura 1 ray_penber 2 theshadowmaker 2 thewatchwander 10 thyshuffler 4 tomsoniq 2 tygrak 3 violetteavi 4 waroomtguc 2 xigotdeadx 2
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Sep 12
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 34.05 Penny Dreadful Mondays 34.05 Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.05 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.05 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 34.05 Penny Dreadful FNM 34.05 13eakers 1 2klichess 3 akashin0 2 bigmaximillion42 1 birdsandbees 5 c001357 1 cat_weasle 1 coupoutous 1 dgf 6 dl23 6 garcia_edu 2 goldfishman2136 1 hairyfroglegs 4 hepatia 11 j_meka 1 jaycearveduin 3 jenkin5630 1 jhow1991 1 mdog 4 pirula42 2 rakura 3 restokiki 3 spike_scary 1 theshadowmaker 1 thewatchwander 1 thyshuffler 5 tomsoniq 4 tygrak 4 violetteavi 1 waroomtguc 4 wisp_shard 4
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Sep 5
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 34.04 Penny Dreadful Mondays 34.04 Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.04 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.04 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 34.04 Penny Dreadful FNM 34.04 13eakers 1 2klichess 3 akashin0 2 bakert99 2 binarysoloist 1 birdsandbees 2 c001357 4 cat_weasle 2 coupoutous 5 datrobino 1 dgf 4 farter 4 forgetti 1 garcia_edu 2 hepatia 1 j_meka 4 jaycearveduin 3 mdog 4 mtgfan1996 1 murpady 2 phyrexiann 2 pirula42 5 pokemonych 1 rakura 1 ray_penber 1 rolfmtg 2 ryan689 1 theshadowmaker 1 thewatchwander 1 thijmen 2 thyshuffler 5 tomsoniq 2 ttv_vinicamposmf 3 tygrak 1 violetteavi 4 waroomtguc 3 xmages 1 youraverageidiot 4 zephion 1
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Aug 29
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 34.03 Penny Dreadful Mondays 34.03 Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.03 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.03 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 34.03 Penny Dreadful FNM 34.03 2klichess 7 akamatsu 4 baraldsbr 1 c001357 4 coupoutous 4 doctorskeltal 1 drdecorous 1 ebonrat 1 emobrian 1 fartak 1 forgetti 3 garcia_edu 1 glendaloc 1 goldfishman2136 2 gorger07 1 grte 1 j_meka 4 mdog 3 murpady 5 piruvato 2 rakura 1 ray_penber 1 rely_gud_prayer 1 restokiki 1 sacritor 2 tappedkitty2 6 teyostrying 1 theshadowmaker 6 thewatchwander 4 thyshuffler 5 tomsoniq 5 tygrak 1 vidaleliasneto 1 violetteavi 3 waroomtguc 1 wizzerinus 3
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Aug 22
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 34.02 Penny Dreadful Mondays 34.02 Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.02 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 34.02 Penny Dreadful Season 34 Kick Off Penny Dreadful FNM 34.02 2klichess 1 _onecurlyboy 1 akamatsu 2 allanoncew 15 bakert99 4 bibbsribbs 3 big_floaf 3 birdsandbees 6 c001357 1 cdnewlon 20 cheiffireball 1 coupoutous 4 danger_field 7 dl23 12 downtovaluetown 2 ebonrat 6 eternalparadox38 1 exarves 8 fartak 4 footofthehare 3 forgetti 4 fredhawk 2 garcia_edu 2 gearhulkazul 3 glendaloc 2 goldfishman2136 1 growe11 1 honorbound84 3 j_meka 2 jaycearveduin 4 kazzzarazara 1 mdog 6 miniondevelopment 3 mtgfan1996 4 murpady 4 numbreon 3 pokemonych 1 rakura 2 roll1001 1 sacritor 12 tappedkitty2 1 teyostrying 1 theshadowmaker 4 thewatchwander 8 thyshuffler 5 tomsoniq 7 tygrak 4 violetteavi 5 waroomtguc 2 wolverine789 1 youraverageidiot 3
6 competitions
Penny Dreadful Prizes for Week Ending Aug 15
Penny Dreadful Thursdays 34.01 bakert99 4 birdsandbees 1 downtovaluetown 2 grte 1 mdog 1 thewatchwander 1 thyshuffler 2 velocihat 3
1 competitions