Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.
How do I get started with Magic Online?
Check out the guide to Magic Online.
Card legality is set quarterly based on which cards are 2¢ or less at that time.
The best way to search legal cards is with Scryfall.
You can view the full legal cards list.
How do I find or brew a decklist?
Minimum 60 cards. Any number of basic lands. Max four of any other legal card. Sideboard of up to fifteen cards.
The best way to build decks is to use a search engine that supports Penny Dreadful legality (f:pd) like Scryfall.
Browse Decklists from tournaments, leagues and elsewhere
View the full legal cards list
How do I get a game and find other Penny Dreadful players?
To get a match in Magic Online go to Constructed, Specialty, Freeform Tournament Practice on Magic Online and create a Freeform game with "Penny Dreadful" in the comments.
To find the Penny Dreadful community join the Discord.
Leagues last for roughly a month. You may enter any number of times but only one deck at a time.
You play five matches per run. You can join the league at any time.
To find a game sign up and then create a game in Constructed, Specialty, Freeform Tournament Practice with "Penny Dreadful League" as the comment.
Top 8 finishers on each month's league leaderboard win credit with Cardhoarder.
We have six free-to-enter weekly tournaments with prizes from Cardhoarder.
They are hosted on Gatherling along with a lot of other player-run Magic Online events.
Legality is determined a week after the release of a Standard-legal set on Magic Online.
Prices are checked every hour for a week. Anything 2¢ or less for half or more of all checks is legal for the season.
Any version of a card on the legal cards list is legal.
The next rotation is in 1 week, 6 days.
Penny Dreadful Saturdays
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APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays
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Penny Dreadful Sundays
Sponsored by Cardhoarder
Penny Dreadful Mondays
Sponsored by Cardhoarder
Penny Dreadful Thursdays
Sponsored by Cardhoarder