Penny Dreadful Magic


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Archetype Tree

Archetype # Decks Record Win % 5–0s
Midrange 1332 2451–2356 51.0 13 106 75
Temur Ascendancy 32 63–65 49.2 0 1
Prophet Ascendancy 1 1–1 50.0
The Rock 25 29–45 39.2 0 1
Abzan Midrange 31 55–59 48.2 0 4
Selesnya Midrange 75 155–128 54.8 0 8 7
Selesnya Value Town 64 137–106 56.4 0 7 6
Jund 40 34–65 34.3 0 1
Blink 333 796–512 60.9 7 33 37
Anti-Persecution 6 7–12 36.8
Graveyard Value 69 107–113 48.6 3
Séance 1 0–5 0.0
Enchantments Matter 12 3–20 13.0
Orzhov Enchantress 2 1–4 20.0
Constellation 1 0–1 0.0
Allies 140 342–219 61.0 5 23 12
Orzhov Allies 2 4–4 50.0
Mardu Allies 98 254–143 64.0 5 22 9
Boros Allies 1 0–2 0.0
Mono White Allies 12 38–19 66.7 0 1 2
Esper Allies 3 9–6 60.0
BRGW Allies 8 18–14 56.3 1
Azorius Allies 1 0–2 0.0
Treefolk 8 11–16 40.7
Fake-Rack 11 13–27 32.5
Mardu Midrange 6 14–9 60.9 0 1
Yisan-Prophet 2 1–6 14.3
Vampires 39 70–78 47.3 0 4 1
Mono Black Vampires 26 50–49 50.5 0 2 1
Rakdos Vampires 2 1–4 20.0 0 1
Orzhov Vampires 11 19–25 43.2 0 1
Legends Midrange 7 11–21 34.4
Elementals 6 3–13 18.8
Rakdos Midrange 45 64–92 41.0 0 3
Naya Midrange 47 105–87 54.7 0 5 3
Big Red 23 31–55 36.0
Mono Black Midrange 95 174–189 47.9 0 6 6
Davriel Braids 11 23–14 62.2 0 1 1
Hellion Whip 3 5–4 55.6
Dimir Midrange 34 41–74 35.7 0 2
Dimir Vat 5 8–7 53.3
Temur Energy 10 17–19 47.2
Angel Tribal 2 4–4 50.0
Toughness Matters 8 7–11 38.9
Lifegain Midrange 9 7–17 29.2
Sultai Midrange 21 55–30 64.7 5
Sultai Emerge 18 51–20 71.8 5
Orzhov Midrange 9 7–17 29.2 0 1
Heartless Summoning Stompy 13 18–27 40.0
Ordealbreak 6 17–8 68.0 0 1
Mythic Colossification 1 0–1 0.0
Simic Snow 1 0–1 0.0
Artifact Midrange 8 11–13 45.8 0 2
Coinflip Tribal 1 0–3 0.0
Death Cloud 11 10–27 27.0




Archetype Record Win %
Aggro 552–595 48.1
Mono Black Aggro 17–6 73.9
Heroic 18–26 40.9
Mono White Heroic 4–1 80.0
Azorius Heroic 7–6 53.8
Mono Red Blitzkrieg 7–19 26.9
Red Deck Wins 116–171 40.4
Mono Red Devotion 1–4 20.0
Prisoner 4–4 50.0
Proliferate Red 1–0 100.0
Goblins 8–5 61.5
Tokens 39–14 73.6
Selesnya Tokens 2–4 33.3
Mono White Tokens 28–6 82.4
Mono Green Stompy 41–34 54.7
White Weenie 74–63 54.0
Odric Keywords 0–2 0.0
Quest for the Holy Relic 4–3 57.1
Soldiers 14–14 50.0
Kithkin 1–0 100.0
Chroma White 2–1 66.7
Elves 1–1 50.0
Werewolves 4–5 44.4
Minotaurs 1–0 100.0
Warriors 3–1 75.0
Selesnya Little Kid 14–5 73.7
Rogues 1–4 20.0
Zombies 95–150 38.8
Gruul Aggro 12–8 60.0
Merfolk 13–23 36.1
Mono Red Swarm 4–3 57.1
Artifact Aggro 24–25 49.0
Affinity 8–15 34.8
Salvage Titan 5–1 83.3
Mono Blue Aggro 2–1 66.7
Devastating Dreams 12–9 57.1
Madness 11–2 84.6
Golgari Madness 2–0 100.0
Rakdos Madness 8–0 100.0
Voltron 17–9 65.4
Hexproof 16–9 64.0
Slivers 0–4 0.0
Naya Zoo 4–1 80.0
Cats 5–10 33.3
Mono White Cats 2–4 33.3
Selesnya Cats 3–6 33.3
Rakdos Aggro 1–0 100.0
Boros Aggro 1–0 100.0
Humans 9–6 60.0
Selesnya Humans 7–5 58.3
Brushwaggs 4–5 44.4
Combo 246–240 50.6
Storm 62–58 51.7
Sultai Tendrils 3–3 50.0
Dimir Tendrils 18–13 58.1
Dragonstorm 2–0 100.0
Simic Storm 5–3 62.5
Grixis Tendrils 11–17 39.3
Reanimator 22–15 59.5
Grozoth 5–4 55.6
Traditional Reanimator 17–11 60.7
Mono Black Reanimator 1–2 33.3
Biovisionary 2–0 100.0
Necrotic Ooze Combo 4–3 57.1
Warp World 1–0 100.0
Actual Warp World 1–0 100.0
Zubera Tribal 2–2 50.0
Maniac Combo 11–21 34.4
Jeskai Ascendancy 23–46 33.3
Four Color Jeskai Ascendancy 7–14 33.3
Jeskai Jeskai Ascendancy 16–32 33.3
Myr Incubator 3–0 100.0
Umbral Mantle 5–13 27.8
"Twin" 19–33 36.5
Jeskai "Twin" 19–33 36.5
Infinite Infinite Combos 2–1 66.7
Eggs 1–0 100.0
Turntimber Ranger 3–0 100.0
Heartless Summoning Combo 18–10 64.3
Blazing Shoal Combo 8–7 53.3
Taking Turns 23–14 62.2
Quest for Ula's Temple 3–1 75.0
Oops All Lands 4–1 80.0
Polymorph 3–2 60.0
Control 573–419 57.8
Mono Black Control 10–3 76.9
Esper Control 24–11 68.6
Demonic Rising 11–9 55.0
Paradox Haze Lock 8–2 80.0
Mono Blue Control 27–14 65.9
Dimir Control 23–3 88.5
Watery Oath 1–0 100.0
Azorius Control 85–94 47.5
Turbo Fog 10–7 58.8
Izzet Control 4–6 40.0
Mardu Control 4–4 50.0
Mill 8–1 88.9
Grixis Control 33–18 64.7
Cruel Control 24–15 61.5
Stax 4–2 66.7
Chandra Nalaar 2–7 22.2
Stagnant Control 1–3 25.0
Jeskai Control 55–52 51.4
Dragon Control 3–1 75.0
Izzet Dragons 2–1 66.7
Galleon Control 4–1 80.0
Runeflare 2–2 50.0
Ponza 61–37 62.2
Mono White Control 10–6 62.5
Cycling Control 65–61 51.6
Astral Slide 62–61 50.4
Five Color Control 8–3 72.7
Shrines 1–0 100.0
Sultai Control 31–12 72.1
Guildgate Control 23–23 50.0
Bant Control 11–9 55.0
Enchantments Control 5–1 83.3
Four Color Counter Ghazi 7–8 46.7
Seasons Past Control 9–3 75.0
Prison 5–3 62.5
Enchantress 5–3 62.5
Aggro-Combo 118–101 53.9
Aristocrats 81–59 57.9
Mono Black Aristocrats 32–33 49.2
Orzhov Aristocrats 35–14 71.4
Golgari Aristocrats 1–0 100.0
Abzan Aristocrats 10–11 47.6
Burn 10–7 58.8
Infect 17–30 36.2
Blazing Shoal Infect 15–25 37.5
Golgari Infect 0–1 0.0
Mono Black Infect 1–4 20.0
Pummeler 2–1 66.7
Aggro-Control 136–158 46.3
Simic Flash 4–2 66.7
Izzet Tempo 20–16 55.6
Azorius Skies 18–41 30.5
Blue Madness 19–26 42.2
Simic Madness 12–23 34.3
Temur Madness 5–2 71.4
Grixis Madness 2–0 100.0
Wizards 16–16 50.0
Ninjas 0–3 0.0
Izzet Spells 49–53 48.0
Combo-Control 135–175 43.5
Curses 20–20 50.0
Burning Vengeance 5–9 35.7
Cruel Combo-Control 18–16 52.9
Battle of Wits 9–6 60.0
Shared Fate 2–4 33.3
Pickles 12–21 36.4
Mindcrank 34–60 36.2
Hedron Alignment 1–1 50.0
Lich's Mastery 2–1 66.7
Curious Niv-Mizzet 8–8 50.0
Plasma Swans 4–12 25.0
Mass Land Destruction 11–14 44.0
Wildfire 11–14 44.0
Borderpost Wildfire 3–2 60.0
Midrange 637–637 50.0
Temur Ascendancy 19–16 54.3
The Rock 15–4 78.9
Abzan Midrange 11–15 42.3
Selesnya Midrange 33–37 47.1
Selesnya Value Town 28–31 47.5
Jund 25–6 80.6
Blink 143–215 39.9
Anti-Persecution 2–0 100.0
Graveyard Value 38–29 56.7
Enchantments Matter 4–1 80.0
Orzhov Enchantress 1–0 100.0
Allies 44–112 28.2
Orzhov Allies 1–2 33.3
Mardu Allies 28–80 25.9
Boros Allies 2–0 100.0
Mono White Allies 5–15 25.0
Esper Allies 1–2 33.3
BRGW Allies 2–9 18.2
Treefolk 4–0 100.0
Fake-Rack 8–2 80.0
Mardu Midrange 1–5 16.7
Yisan-Prophet 2–1 66.7
Vampires 18–21 46.2
Mono Black Vampires 11–14 44.0
Orzhov Vampires 7–7 50.0
Legends Midrange 5–5 50.0
Elementals 3–2 60.0
Rakdos Midrange 21–16 56.8
Naya Midrange 18–22 45.0
Big Red 15–7 68.2
Mono Black Midrange 51–32 61.4
Davriel Braids 5–2 71.4
Hellion Whip 3–1 75.0
Dimir Midrange 27–12 69.2
Dimir Vat 1–2 33.3
Temur Energy 7–8 46.7
Angel Tribal 2–2 50.0
Toughness Matters 4–3 57.1
Lifegain Midrange 6–4 60.0
Sultai Midrange 12–14 46.2
Sultai Emerge 10–14 41.7
Orzhov Midrange 8–1 88.9
Heartless Summoning Stompy 8–5 61.5
Ordealbreak 1–4 20.0
Artifact Midrange 4–2 66.7
Death Cloud 8–1 88.9
Ramp 54–31 63.5
Rofellos Ramp 1–0 100.0
Wild Pair 1–0 100.0
Domain 4–3 57.1
Summer Bloom Ramp 23–22 51.1
Applejacks 1–1 50.0