Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Player Earned by 1269 Spieler.

Play a league or tournament match.

League Player Earned␣10340 Mal by 1202 Spieler.

Play in the league.

Person Teilnamen
haddenbauer 200
carmandor 196
glendaloc 182
murpady 132
jenkin5630 129
Completionist Earned by 562 Spieler.

Play the whole season without retiring an unfinished league run.

Tournament Player Earned␣1904 Mal by 331 Spieler.

Play in an official Penny Dreadful tournament on

Person Turniere
honorbound84 53 51
piruvato 51
jaycearveduin 48
takeoutree 47
Deck Builder Earned␣944 Mal by 327 Spieler.

Have someone else register an exact copy of a deck you registered first.

Person Decks
glendaloc 28
blueman7 26
carmandor 24
murpady 23
anonymous 20
jenkin5630 20
Variety Player Earned by 323 Spieler.

Finish five-match league runs with three or more different archetypes in a single season.

Perfect League Run Earned␣490 Mal by 208 Spieler.

Complete a 5–0 run in the league.

Person Läufe
carmandor 33
glendaloc 32
murpady 16
stewardulk 14
wizzardofoz 13
Perfect Run Crusher Earned␣298 Mal by 204 Spieler.

Beat a player that's 4–0 in the league.

Person Crushes
glendaloc 8
piruvato 6
da_sandvich 6
carmandor 5
naiyucko 5
Tournament Winner Earned␣72 Mal by 45 Spieler.

Win a tournament.

Person Siege
swiftwarkite2 6
adryannthehero04 5
crazybaloth 4
honorbound84 4 4
Specialist Earned by 35 Spieler.

Reach the elimination rounds of a tournament playing the same archetype three or more times in a single season.

Generalist Earned by 31 Spieler.

Reach the elimination rounds of a tournament playing three or more different archetypes in a single season.

Burning Vengeance Earned␣39 Mal by 29 Spieler.

Beat a player in the knockout rounds of a tournament after losing to them in the Swiss.

Person defeats avenged
honorbound84 3
arcoverde 3
crazybaloth 2
jaycearveduin 2
briar_moss 2
nydethess 2
somedudemarc 2
tenorsax2 2
Flawless League Run Earned␣34 Mal by 26 Spieler.

Complete a 5–0 run in the league without losing a game.

Person Läufe
glendaloc 6
coaxmetal 2
wizzardofoz 2
rydyell 2
bakert99 1
madman_quail 1
49547681 1
schwingzilla 1
jawziemotto 1
murpady 1
bparis15 1
byvci 1
Ancient Grudge Earned␣28 Mal by 17 Spieler.

Beat a player in the knockout rounds of a tournament after losing to them in the knockout rounds of an earlier tournament in the same season.

Person grudges repaid
honorbound84 4
swiftwarkite2 4 3
crazybaloth 2
piruvato 2
pigmax 2
Pioneer Earned by 10 Spieler.

Have one of your decks recognised as the first of a new archetype.

Person Archetypen
jaycearveduin 1
lvg87 1
masunob 1
mochet 1
auhosj877 1
murpady 1
raisaraosu 1
alphagroupie 1
bananonymous_ 1
nicrostheking 1
Penny Dreadful 500 Top 8 Earned by 8 Spieler.

Top 8 the Penny Dreadful 500.

Person Top 8s
briar_moss 1
duckoforegon 1
ramy99 1
somedudemarc 1
shadowater0 1
notgood 1
mtwoods444 1
partisan 1
Penny Dreadful 500 Winner Earned by 1 Spieler.

Win the Penny Dreadful 500.

Person Siege
notgood 1
Tournament Organizer Earned by 13 players (all-time).

Run a tournament for the Penny Dreadful community.


  • 🏅 = earned